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2010 Feb 08


Wired Science: How Your Biometrics Can Make Super Bowl Ads Better. They appear to be using something similar to a "lie detector" machine to tell if people are excited about certain commercials.

Gene Patents Under Legal Attack. About the company who patented the general idea of testing for breast cancer and breast cancer genes.

All American Clothing - AA Casual Pant. - Size conversion charts. Leather bomber jackets and aviation wear. .

2010 Feb 05


Better to React Than to Act. People react faster than when they just do something on their own.

glDrawPixels() - write a block of pixels to the frame buffer

Independant Game Festival 2010 finalists

Igneous - Igneous challenges you to conquer lava waves, crumbling bridges and a lost city to free yourself from the fiery depths of a volcano. Jump and roll through each stage to survive the hellish inferno!

2009 Dec 14


Time is passing me by rather quickly.

08:14 I have several forms of Agnosia

Agnosia is a loss of ability to recognize objects, persons, sounds, shapes, or smells while the specific sense is not defective nor is there any significant memory loss.

It appears I have pain agnosia, either apperceptive or accociative agnosia, prosopagnosia (associative), and time agnosia.

My forms of agnosia only appear when I push myself too hard. And they don't seem to appear together, rather I seem to have different ones at different times.

agnosia -

Need more information about my blackouts (or whatever it is called).

Oleo seems like a potentially viable spreadsheet for X11.

Masters of Horror looks like a great series. Cigarette Burns was a good movie. Episode 13 was made by Takashi Miike.

2009 July 5


This appears to be the blog of a rather prolific programmer. Stories of working for Atari and Apple in their early days.