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2009 June 25

10:30 Police just want you to stay kaptive inside.

I remember last summer. I was walking down the river trail. He asked me if I had a home. He said, "why don't you just go there." Of course the police' job would be easier if everyone stayed inside. Everyone outside would be "up to no good" and the police could arrest them!

0:08 Sugar / OLpC

Sugar is the OS for the One Laptop per Child project. It seems they made it available for download.

2009 June 24

05:12 shfs -- ssh kernel driver

Use shfs to mount remote directories via ssh. Article about how to install the shfs kernel module. SourceForge page

2009 June 21

20:21 "Invisible" Panda Express

Almost every time I walk past the Panda Express I can't see it, so I assume it is farther back. In reality, it is there just several feet from the sidewalk. You see, apparently one mental defect caused by strokes is for your mind to block out things it doesn't think should be there. For example, if I know an object is in a certain place, and someone moves it somewhere else, sometimes my mind will block out that object. If I really look at that area, it might look like a big red/black blob. I think this happens with the Panda Express.

09:51 Cell phone?

I may have found the cell phone to buy. LG KP100. (gsmarena review) It is cheap, and I heard it supposedly supports USB and WiFi? I'll have to look into that. Also supports GPRS. One guy said it has a touch screen too. I wonder if the USB is just for charging, or it will exchange data too?

My parents want me to go out to eat again this morning. Applebees last night was probably too much. They want to go to Sunrise. I don't know if I'll be able to find something on the menu without toomuch phosphorus--my last labs where bad.

Olivia Munn has a blog. ( A USA Today interview)

2009 June 19

16:30 Dialysis issues

Problems at dialysis. Near the end I started cramping and such. The nurse backed off my goal a bit because of my heart rate, but I guess it wasn't enough because I had to ask the tech to turn off my goal. I even had her give me some extra saline and tilt me back. But when she took me off, my blood pressure was low enough to wory about--the low number went down as far as 28 and was hovering just below 50. It took a few cups of water and several blood pressure readings before it was back up to 50, which is apparently the number they let you leave at. She asked if I felt okay to go, and I did.

So by then I had missed the bus to the mall, and I knew the downtown bus would be full enough I would have to stand, which would cause me to faint, so I just walked to the mall. (yeah, that is a run on sentance, so sue me) I let my blood pressure dictate my speed (otherwise I would start to get fainting patterns), which was a fast walk. So I thought I might be able to get to the bus stop before it left at :45 after the hour, but I just barely stepped on to the island where the buses meet when my bus pulled away. I couldn't run, or I would have fainted for certain, so I missed it. Oh well, I needed to lay down for an hour and watch wind blown trees anyway.

2009 June 18

14:59 Filesystem shuffle

Squashfs is a read-only compressed filesystem. Should be good to make an image for my asus eee. Squashfs Howto. The tools don't appear to have a man page written. I should do that...

NILFS (Linux mag) looks like an interesting filesystem. It is log based, meaning it just appends the file data to the end of the partition--until it gets to the end, where it loops around. Some people on slashdot are saying it is good for flash drives. It also appears to support snapshots--an image of the filesystem at a certain point in time. I also like the apparent reliability features. They even CRC data and such. This filesystem appears to be something worth trying.

Maybe for the eee I should use squashfs for the read-only bits, and NILFS for the other things such as /var, /etc and /home. I wonder how stable the drivers are...

ATA command for secure erase. Could this be the --security-erase option with hdparm in linux? According to this article, yes, but it appears the hard drive on my netvista machine doesn't support it. (Haven't checked the others.) Another example of using hdparm with secure erase.

I also found an new target when making the Linux kernel. 'make isoimage' will create a bootable iso image with the newly built kernel. $FDINITRD gives the location of an optional initrd image to use. (Look in arch/x86/boot Makefile.)

2009 June 14


Multiplayer can hurt you. by Benjamin Quintero. Discussion about problems with multiplayer games.

Why "NextGen Games" Went Gray Brown And Grey. Discussion about photorealizm and games and how lack of radiosity causes game programmers to use a more Gray / Brown palette to make it look better.

Plotting, Emergent Narratives, and 'Story Spaces'. Talking about how video games shouldn't just be a linear set story. Unfortunately, this doesn't fit in a for-profit business model. They want built-in planned obsolescence. A game based upon a linear story will only have a replay value of a few times, if not just one. After that, it is no longer interesting and you buy a new game.

Also, most games are made by hollywood studios. Their management seem to think video games are not much different than movies, just the user has limited control over the avatar. So most of these games turn out much like Dragon's Lair or Space Ace. They look great, but you are only partially controlling the character on pre-scripted events, and if you don't perform the programmer's expected action, your avatar dies. Sometimes this kind of game can be fun, but it is very limited.

The adventure game engine I am trying to design / create would have the simulated environment create the story. If it ever works, you wouldn't have to write countless numbers of games, just different characters and objects to interact with. It is a long way to go becuase proper protocols and such have to be designed. You wouldn't just play a one-off game with the thing. You'd start senarios by selecting the types of things you want in it: "mystery solving, zombies, flying cars, set in 1920s, ...etc."

2009 June 13


IBM and bad capacitors.


Saw this on slashdot:

A Fable: The Frog and the Elephant (Score:5, Funny)

by Tackhead (54550) on 2009.06.12 17:35 ( #28315621)

Once upon a time, there was a little frog who lived at the zoo.

One spring morning, the little frog was hopping through the elephant exhibit, but a bout of freezing rain had made the cage all slippery, and the little frog found himself buried up to his neck in ice.

Stuck in the ice and slowly freezing to death, the little frog looked up, just an instant before the elephant shat all over him. "Ribbit! Elephant, you bastard! You just shat all over me!", croaked the little frog.

But the elephant dung was warm and kept the little frog alive, not only melting the ice, but also attracting the flies, and the frog ate his fill. "Ribbit! We're cool, Elephant! Thanks for the warm dung and the tasty flies!", croaked the little frog.

A Canada Goose, returning home from a winter in the south, heard the commotion, and swooped down next to the little frog. It used its bill to carefully clear away all of the elephant dung, and then gently picked the little frog up out of the pile of elephant poop.

And then the goose ate him alive.

Moral of the story:

  1. Everyone who shits on you is not necessarily your enemy.
  2. Everyone who digs you out of shit is not necessarily your friend.
  3. If you're warm and happy in a pile of shit, keep your big mouth shut!

- after The Sparrow

Too true. Too true.

2009 June 11


I was pretty slammed today. I even had a limp, probably because of cramps from the last dialysis. I wanted to get water today, but I used most of my effort (not much) cooking and I was probably too week. I made the ground pork into a sausage flavored concoction. May have put too much salt in, 1/2 teaspoon must be too much. 2 teaspoons sage, 1/2 teaspoon basil, 1 tsp black pepper. I think I have enough meat (all cooked now) to last several days. I should probably get bread, starburst, and a few other things at Walmart or Winco. If I buy Challa from Zeppole tomorrow, I don't know when I can go.

The netvista computer is acting up again after the upgrade. Sometimes after going to sleep for a long time, the video card / X only shows blank. Text mode seems fine though. I wonder if it the intel drivers are screwed up now? I should try to install Xubuntu on the emach machine, and see what I can do to replace the crappy insecure Xandros on my eee.


Got that "hit with a truck" feeling today. Yesterday's dialysis was hard, but at least I got off all that extra fluid.

Yesterday, a guy on the bus said he drank olive oil strait. Nasty! I can't drink even a little oil directly or I puke it up.

Gotta cook my ground pork before it goes bad. I think hickory is what gives US bacon it's taste.

2009 June 10

I was going to try grocery shopping after dialysis, but did not feel well enough. I did manage to go to Albersons and get a bus pass, but then I wasn't sure if I could get home before fainting--especially with cargo. Luckily I stumpled upon a "Hawaiian Ice" shack and bought a cup of Pacific Breeze. Probably added a half liter of water, but was needed. I had to lie down for a couple of hours. Not quite strong enough to stand or walk much. I did manage to microwave dinner. Pasta, meat with maranara sauce.

2009 June 08 Funny japanese manga video game reviews -- not safe for kids!

2009 June 04

It's called COFEE
Q.What is COFEE?

A.COFEE (Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor) is a tool that helps simplify the very complex problem of gathering "live" computer evidence of cybercrime. It utilizes common forensics tools to aid officers at the scene in gathering important live evidence with a single USB device. It also provides reports in a simple format for later interpretation by computer experts, or as supportive evidence for computer investigations. This means that first-responder officers on the scene of a crime don't have to be computer forensic experts to capture live data for later analysis and that this critical information does not have to be lost once a computer is shut down to be taken for a traditional offline forensic analysis.

Microsoft and media formats / DRM
Microsoft and DRM
Penny_dreadful (wikipedia) -- binary xml format?

Inflation in the Weimar Republic -- Weimar Republic
History of MS's anticompetitive behavior.