I think I got it working--sort of. I changed the start up scripts in Slackware like I did in the previous install: 1. Load the Nvidia module '''right after''' the agpgart module in rc.modules. 1. Turn off all the settings in .nvidia-settings-rc Especially make sure to turn off ForceGenericCpu, though this may be because I have an "ancient" AMD Athlon CPU. Some settings appear to be okay. For example, AllowFlipping dosen't seem to cause a problem. 1. When you start X, make sure you run "nvidia-settings -l" in your .xinit or .xsession script. 1. rmmod the nvidia module at the beginning of your shutdown script (rc.0/rc.6). What a piece of crap. At the very least, they should turn off the settings which don't work by default. Their buggy driver makes Linux run like Windows and with all the crap too. The government should really make it illegal for MCSEs to call themselves programmers. In fact, they should execute any MCSE who even tries to go near a computer. Holy shit. ---- Apparently Nvidia wants you to run in text mode. Their driver installer is so hostile, it screws up libc, which it should not even touch. I had to boot my Slackware CD and reinstall the base files twice because of that crap. WTF? Reminds me of the days I was using a Microsoft OS. Now I don't have any 3d acceleration at all. In fact I can't run OpenGL apps because Nvidia's libraries give an error if their kernel driver isn't running. Somehow glxgears got corrupted. It stopped working. I did a file on it and it said "data". I'm like "how the fuck did that happen???" Then I did a few things because (nothing to do with installing anything), and glxgears seems to be working again, so I do a file and it says it is an ELF executable. WTF? Are they cheating again?