
CERT Advisory CA-2000-21 Denial-of-Service Vulnerabilities in TCP/IP Stacks

The NAPTHA DoS vulnerabilities


guy on slashdot ranting about EULAs. Too true.

Sound systems: GNOME vs KDE

Why not use OpenAL? Or even SDL, or just the low level ALSA. What I really wanted to do was create an ALSA driver which multiplexes the output to the hardware ALSA driver like the esd/artsd daemons did. (Note: the dmixer plugin now does this) This would simplify things greatly. No mucking about with whose library/daemons you need to run. They just work. -- Jack is probably the one, with OpenAL for 3D.

OpenAL tutorial ( devmaster) -- Jack tutorial

"Censorship by Glut"

This isn't really censorship, but it talks about how many things are made popular more by random chance than merit. What are ways to prevent this? I think maybe keeping a list by high rating, but randomly adding other posts / submissions in the list as well. This way unpopular submissions are still seen, but the list is still useful to the site's users.


Google's Information On DMCA Takedown Abuse -- comments on --


ending software patents has the time come



Re:I've always said this.
by Sloppy (14984) on 2008.11.21 15:54 (#25852499)

... Using the internet with a secure brower, is like looking at someone through a telescope.

Using the internet with an insecure browser, is like having sex with someone.

Using the internet with an insecure browser and AV software, is like having sex with someone and then getting an STD test 10 years later.


Article about upbringing of Bill Gates.

How Window users are changing Linux MS uses Win95 to screw wordperfect. Microsoft's masterplan to screw phone partner

DRM plans


Why limit your ability to load software on your own computer? So they can charge you for every little program you use.


Wikipedia article Business Software Alliance: Outright liars or just truth challenged? - How a business owner was victimized by MS's jack booted thugs and how he switched to Linux - Court blows the whistle on BSA poorly translated article from europe. A law firm defending victims of the BSA?

How radio was changed to a big media controlled broadcast medium